(English Language) (Srpski Jezik na kraju)

Back from Busto Arsizio and after the away match vs Unet Yamamay, VBC Pomì Casalmaggiore is still virtually leading the championship but right sharing with the

“Butterflies”  and the Girls of the Savino Del Bene Scandicci.

The “Pink Roster” ,  without Captain Tirozzi and Tamara Susic recently on knee surgery, bring a great news on the bench: Gaia Seresini, spiker born 2004 !

The match vs UYBA is a real challenge for the Top of the championship: high speed, lot of pressure and consequently many mistakes in boht defense and attack phases. Major protagonist of the game, no doubt, the two opposite spikers: Samanta Fabris for Pomì and Valentina Diouf for UYBA with well 33 points each !

Very low scoresheet of both block  (barely 3 by Stevanovic) and serve (1 ace each by Carli Lloyd and Samanta Fabris).

The Pink roster was unfortunately “in state of emergency” with no actual role replacements neither for the middle blockers Stevanovic and Gibbemeyer, for which Carmen Turlea (opposite by role), entered for her tricky serve nor for the the two outside spikers Bacchi and Bosetti  because Anastasia Guerra was rather KO due to a heavy flu and could be able to just “sit” on the bench and, as said, to the missing Tirozzi and Susic for knee surgery, and Giulia Gibertini not entered as libero.

As above pointed out, the singular news of the day was the U-13 Gaia Seresini in the Roster ! Had she entered the court, she would have been the youngest player of the A1

Now let’s leave this defeat behind and it’s already time to get duly ready for the next home match vs Bisonte Firenze on next Sunday 27th November at 5.00 p.m. Italian Time


(Srpski Jezik)


Povratak iz Busta Arsizija i posle meca u gostima protiv Unet Yamamay, VBC Pomi Casalmadjore je i dalje virtualno vodeci tim prvenstva, odnosno deli prvo mesto sa “Leptirima” i Devojkama iz Saviana Del Bene Sandici.

“Roze sastav” bez kapitena tima Tirozi i Tamare Susic od nedavno na operaciji kolena… Donosi nam veliku vest sa klupe: Gaia Serensini, smecerka rodjena 2004 godine! Sam mec protiv Unet Yamamay je bio sudar najboljih u prvenstvu, kao I za sam vrh prvenstva.. Brz tempo igre, veliki pritisak na obe strane kao I obostrane greske u fazama odbrane i napada. Glavni igraci meca bez ikakve dileme, Samanta Fabris iz Pomi tima I Valentina Diouf  iz UYBA tima sa po 33 poena! Blok igra na obe strane bila je na losem nivou (jedva 3 bloka Stevanovic) kao I servis (po 1 as od Samante Fabris I Karli Lojd).

Roze Sastav je bio u “vandrednom stanju” bez adekvatnih zamena na poziciji srednje blokerke, Stevanovic I Gibemejer, za koje Karmen Turela (koja igra na drugoj poziciji) koja je usla zbog svog neugodnog servisa a ne zbog dve spoljne smecerke Baci I Boseti kao I zbog Anastasije Gerere koja je nokautirana od teske prehlade I bila u stanju samo da sedi na klupi, kao I bez vec pomenutih Tirozi I Susic, Djulija Gibertini nije ulazila u igru na poziciji libera.

Vec smo pominjali lepu vest I to stavljamo kao vest dana je U13 Gaia Serensini koja je usla u igru kao najmladja igracica u A1 prvenstvu.

Ostavicemo ovaj poraz iza sebe, I spremno docekati sledeci mec koji se igra na domacem terenu protiv Bosontea iz Firence, 27-og Novembra u 1700h po Italijanskom vremenu.